Axe Trap TMC Team Building Day

By MaryAnn Busacca, Administrative Assistant

What is the definition of “Team Building Day”?


Team building days, at their core, are about shaking up the usual way of doing things. Which means taking people out of their comfort zone.


On September 29, 2023, TMC certainly accomplished that!  We headed over to The Axe Trap located at 2600 Lee Road, Winter Park.


The afternoon began meeting a few of our newest teammates, while enjoying sips and apps and then a delicious lunch.  


Soon after, we received a brief training on the fine art of axe throwing.  Some were naturals, while others needed a bit more refinement, shall we say 😉.  A few of us discovered that we had a natural affinity for axe throwing and then there were some that didn’t think they did, dug deep and hit the bullseye!


You may ask why do we do these types of events?  The answer is simple.  The comradery is second to none.  Not only does this give you a chance to engage with some of your Teammates that you may not have the opportunity to do daily, but it helps you, the individual, discover things about yourself, you may otherwise not have known.


And the beauty of it all…. your Teammates are there every step of the way to encourage you!

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