WTS-UCF Career Expo

By Rossy Perez, Human Resource Manager

Another TMC successful event!


On October 19, 2023, we had the opportunity to attend the UCF Career Expo representing our organization in partnership with WTS FL Chapter’s members and TMC team.


UCF’s finest future Civil Engineers gathered at our table one-by-one to learn more about our organization, current job opportunities and interested in our training programs, internship openings and eager to make networking connections with TMC.


Ayman As-Saidi, VP Of Engineering, former graduate from UCF and proud supporter of this event for years, personally interviewed, shared our values, discussed career paths and industry-latest program innovations with our guests and cordially invited them to visit our facilities without reservation.


The event was a complete success, Our neighboring tables were not strangers either, wanting to know what made us stand popular with all students!

Here are some of the pics we want to share:

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